A small coffee bar owner’s suggestions can improve his business Your ambiance better be good too; According to the owner,...

agriculture pesticide shopagriculture pesticide shop
Basically a pesticide shop contains chemical that kills harmful pests for crops. The location of franchise; Location of shop/franchise is...

a street shopa street shop
Street shops are common in normal cities but some of them are boring and some are busy. So there are...

online advertisementonline advertisement
The emerging type scope of business is online advertisement 3 factors Honesty; Now a day’s online advertisement is emerging business....

business of sabzi walabusiness of sabzi wala
A small business on street level. A person is carrying some vegetables. 3 factors Patience; According to the owner of...

travel agencytravel agency
In Pakistan traveling business is more efficient and profitable 3 factors Responsibility; A responsible agency always get success. The responsible...

Pastry Passion Online cooking gamePastry Passion Online cooking game
Pastry Passion is a game in which you are provided with many ingredients that are needed to prepare the pastry....