business of sabzi wala


A small business on street level. A person is carrying some vegetables.

3 factors


According to the owner of vegetable seller man, patience is everything. The success of his small business is his patience. He works with patience and has perfect trust on god

Sympathy with customers;

Sympathy is god gifted ability. People have more trust on a sympatric person. The owner of vegetable person says that his behavior toward customers is very sympatric. He never shouts on his customer and never abuse. So all the customers also behaves with him with sympathy. They never refuse to buy my vegetables that I suggest them or told them.


Giving respect is good ability of a person. Because some famous words can explain it (give respect and get respect). According to sabzi wala, giving respect to person is to get respect. At this stage no one needs money every person needs some sort of respect.

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